A Guide to Interstate Moving with Kids

A Guide to Interstate Moving with Kids

Moving to a new state can be both exciting and daunting, especially when you have kids. The thought of uprooting your family and starting over in a new place can be overwhelming, but it can be a smooth transition for everyone with the proper preparation and planning.

Here is a guide to interstate moving with kids to help make the process easier.

Start Planning Early

Relocating with children requires extensive preparation, so getting a head start is crucial. You should start preparing at least two or three months before the move. You’ll have plenty of time to check out new neighbourhoods, apply for jobs, and settle into a new school district with this much lead time. It will also give you enough time to prepare your kids emotionally for the move.

Involve Your Kids in the Moving Process

Helping children adjust to uprooting from their familiar surroundings and making new friends is a major challenge when moving with children. Involve your children in the relocation to ease the burden on them. Show them around neighbourhoods they might like to settle in, talk to them about the various educational options in the area, and extol the area’s many advantages.

Start Planning Early
Research a New School

Research a New School

If you have school-age children, researching schools should be a top priority. Look for schools with high ratings, extracurricular activities that interest your child, and programs that meet their needs. Consider contacting schools beforehand to learn about their enrollment process and what documents you must provide.

Plan the Logistics

Moving with kids requires a lot of logistics planning. You must arrange for a moving company, pack up your current home, and arrange transportation to your new home. It’s also important to consider the logistics of moving with children, including ensuring they have enough activities to keep them occupied, the necessary travel documents, and arranging childcare if needed.

Get Rid of Unnecessary Items

Moving is a great time to get rid of unwanted belongings. Everything from outgrown garments and toys to old furniture should go here. Getting rid of clutter before a move can help make packing easier and reduce the overall cost of relocation.

Pack Strategically

When moving across state lines, it’s important to pack strategically. Put the things you will need right away in a separate box or suitcase, such as clothing, documents, and toiletries. Labelling boxes clearly will help you quickly locate items in your new home.

Get Rid of Unnecessary Items
Make the Move Fun for Younger Kids

Make the Move Fun for Younger Kids

Even though moving is a stressful experience, you should make it as enjoyable as possible for your children. You can do this by organising pleasant diversion stops along your relocation route. You can work with your removalist company, Primove, to help make the move stress-free for small and older children alike. Giving your children empty boxes for their treasured possessions as an additional packing activity can help kids adjust to the idea of moving away from their old house.

Take Care of Yourself

Taking care of yourself is especially important when undergoing a stressful process like moving. Taking care of yourself is important by getting enough rest, eating well, and pausing when needed. Maintaining order and keeping track of vital documents like relocation agreements and passport information is also essential.

Stay Positive

Everyone finds moving challenging, but keeping a positive attitude is crucial. Share the wonderful possibilities in the new place with your children, and encourage them to keep a positive attitude throughout the move. Remember that relocation can represent a new beginning and an opening to expand your horizons.

Settle In and Make New Friends

It’s important to get settled in once you’ve reached your destination. This entails unpacking, arranging furniture, and learning about your new neighbourhood. Spend some time exploring your new area, meeting your neighbours, and finding fun things to do as a family. This will make your loved ones more comfortable in their new surroundings and speed up the adjustment after the moving process.

Stay Positive
Register for New Schools

Register for New Schools

After moving into your new home, enrolling your children in the local schools is next. Bring your proof of residency and vaccination records, and contact the school to find out if there are any other prerequisites or orientations for new students.

Create New Routines

After uprooting your family and moving to a new state, it’s important to establish new routines everyone can stick to. Discovering new places to eat and shop as a family is one way to do this. Other options include expanding your children’s horizons through extracurricular activities and creating memorable experiences as a unit. It’s important to make kids feel at ease in the new environment, the new hose, and their new life.

Keep in Touch with Old Friends

You don’t have to say goodbye to your friends back home just because you’re relocating to a new house. Inspire your kids to maintain friendships from their past through contact methods like video chatting, phone calls, and even snail mail. Returning to your former stomping grounds is a great way to keep in touch with old pals and other kids.

Create a Moving Day Kit

Make sure you have everything you and your family member may need, such as food, water, medicine, and phone chargers, in a moving day kit. The day you move can be hectic, so it’s important to be prepared with a moving kit. Having all your belongings in one convenient location can make moving house go more smoothly.

Keep in Touch with Old Friends
Consider Hiring a Professional Organiser

Consider Hiring a Professional Organiser

If you’re overwhelmed by packing and organising your home for the move, consider hiring a professional organiser to run the packing process. A professional organiser can help you declutter, pack strategically, and ensure everything is organized and ready for moving day.

Plan for the Weather

When relocating during a different season, preparing for the weather is important. Packing clothes suitable for the new climate, learning about the local weather patterns, and preparing for any delays due to the weather are all part of this process.

Prepare for the Emotional Impact

Children, in particular, may experience various feelings during a move. Get your loved ones ready for the emotional toll of the move and be there for them as they adjust. You can do this by discussing how everyone will feel, making plans to keep in touch with old friends, and thinking of creative ways to make your new home feel like home. You can bring your kids favourite toys in their new room to make moving feel like a positive experience.

Take Breaks and Practice Self-Care

Recharging your emotional and physical batteries is essential during moving, so remember to take some time off. Spending time with loved ones, getting enough shut-eye, and calming activities like exercise, reading, or meditation are all great ways to take your mind off of packing.

Prepare for the Emotional Impact
Get Professional Help for Moving with Special Needs Children

Get Professional Help for Moving with Special Needs Children

If you have a child with special needs, moving can be even more challenging. You can get some outside assistance to see your kid’s needs during the move. If you want your family’s relocation to go off without a hitch, hire a special needs moving company or consult a moving coordinator so the kids don’t have a stressful time.

Don’t Forget to Celebrate Your Accomplishments

The decision to relocate to a new state represents a significant life change for your loved ones and other children. Having a party to honour your accomplishments can make your loved ones happy and proud of you. Take the time to celebrate your achievement, whether with a special family dinner, a fun outing to explore your new location, or simply taking a moment to reflect on how far you’ve come.


Moving to a new community with kids can be challenging and emotional, but it can also be an exciting opportunity for your family to grow and experience new things. Following these tips and properly planning and preparing can make the process as smooth as possible for everyone involved.

Remember to involve your kids in the process, research schools, pack strategically, and plan for the emotional impact of the move. Take breaks, practice self-care, and don’t be afraid to ask for professional help if you need it.

Once you arrive at your new home, take the time to settle in, create new routines, and stay in touch with old friends. Most importantly, remember to celebrate your accomplishment and the opportunities awaiting your family in your new home. Hire Primove Moving today and start your relocation journey!



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